CSR Shoot Diggle July 24

Russ Price 300yd Firing Point
Matches: AM UCM Match PM Short Range Match Location: Diggle A & D Ranges Weather: Overcast with some sunny spells
Temp: 18 Deg Wind: up to 7 mph SSW (coming from behind the firing point down range, right to left) Distances: UCM 100-25yds Short Range 100, 200, 300yds Intro
Three club members shot the June Matches at Diggle on Saturday 20 July. Trev and Simon are regular CSR competitors with Russ Price shooting CSR for the first time. July Matches The PSSA Team try to always include a UCM match every month, this month was no different, well organised and on an excellent 4 lane 100yd range, purpose built barricades and posts. Always fierce competition on this match given the PPSA guys are well practiced and always shoot well. Shooting started at 8:30 and finished by 09:30 ready to move to A range. This match for the un initiated takes around 6 minutes to shoot, 40 rounds in 4 different shooting positions at 4 different distances, it has timed run downs, timed exposures and plenty to think about. The Short Range Match Another great match organised by the PSSA CSR team, a 6 practice match with the following making for a very challenging test of stamina and positional shooting: 100yds: Standing to Sitting rapid. 100yds: Standing and kneeling, short double exposures
200yds: Sitting, 2 timed exposures
200yds: Standing to prone single exposure
300yds: Prone short exposure snaps
300yds: Standing to sitting, mag change after 5 rnds, into prone, 5 rounds. The weather was good, so much so that it was a tee shirt affair for most, light but changeable winds made the competitors think a little, especially at 300yds, but with a nice warm day, it was a lot of fun! Russ Price enjoyed himself, a convert to CSR I think, he got the whole CSR and Diggle experience including working the butts, scoring and pasting, which we all do!