CSR Shoot Diggle August 24

Diggle from clubhouse
Matches: AM UCM Match PM Short Range Match Location: Diggle A & B Ranges Weather: Overcast with some sunny spells
Temp: 18 Deg Wind: 7mph gusting SSW (coming from behind the firing point down range, right to left) Distances: UCM 100-25yds Short Range 300, 200, 100yds Intro
Two club members shot the June Matches at Diggle on Saturday 10 August. Trev and Russ shot both matches. August Matches: UCM The PSSA Team try to always include a UCM match every month, this month was no different, well organised and on an excellent 4 lane 100yd range, purpose built barricades and posts. Shooting started at 8:30 and finished by 09:30 ready to move to B range. This is a well attended match with not everyone staying to also shoot the short range match. A fun and engaging match. August Matches: The Short Range Match Another great match organised by the PSSA CSR team, a 5 practice match with the following making for a very challenging test of stamina and positional shooting: 300yds. 2 Sighting shots and 10 rnds in 50 seconds exposure prone.
300yds. 5rnds Sitting, mag change into prone, 5 rnds, 2x20 sec exposures. 200yds. 10rnds rapid, prone 50 second exposure. 200yds. 10rnds Rapid sitting. 50 second exposure. 100yds. 5 double exposures, 1 rnd standing, 1 rnd kneeling, 3 second exposures. A decent day weather wise, very warm and overcast for the most part, with a little drizzle to cool everyone off! The wind played its part as it always does at diggle, difficult to catch it just right between heavy gusts, especially at 300 and 200yds. Next matches at Diggle are the Diggle National Championships in September, a 3 day event encompassing Long range (400 - 600yds), Short range (300 - 100yds) and more urban contact matches.
Photos courtesy of Russ Price